Nessmuk 125 - Stabilized Curly Birch

We developed our Nessmuk knife to inherit the features from the original George Washington Sears blade but still give a modern appearance and feel.

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Nessmuk 125 - Stabilized Curly Birch

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Description / Nessmuk 125 - Stabilized Curly Birch

We developed our Nessmuk knife to inherit the features from the original George Washington Sears blade but still give a modern appearance and feel.

The knife is a superb tool when game dressing, chopping wood or even just slicing tomatoes. The carbon 80CrV2 steel really comes to its full potential in the Nessmuk.

Blade length:  125  mm
Blade width: 26 - 35 mm
Blade thickness: 3,5 mm
Total:  235
Steel:  Carbonsteel 80CrV2
Grind: Scandi 
Handle: Stabilized Curly Birch
Liner: Red G-10
Rivets: Lanyard Brass

Made in Finland

More Information

Grind Scandi
Tang Full tang
Thickness (mm) 3.5mm
Width (mm) 26-35mm
Steel 80CrV2

Customer Reviews

Hieno ja toimiva veitsi
Review by
Olen tehnyt Brisan myymillä terillä itselleni ja muille lahjaksi puukkoja ja veitsiä. Tämän veitsen ostin valmiina itselleni ja täytyy sanoa että on erikoisen hyvä ja käteensopiva. Ei liian iso, ei liian pieni. Terävä ja käytännöllinen. G.W. Sears oli erikoinen tyyppi ja arvostettava.
Great Knife, but poor sheath design
Review by
The knife, itself, is fantastic: solid quality, comfortable to use for multiple purposes.
The sheath however, needs to be redesigned: when you are re-sheathing the knife, the thick part of the blade will slice into the leather as you push it back in. At best: the blade will slice multiple channels into the middle-piece of the sheath. At worse: The blade will seat in-between the middle and outer edge of the sheath, and will slice the stitching open - destroying the sheath.
(The sheath in this review is the one with the firesteel loop)

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