Vegetabile tanned leather/ Natural/whole hide 20-21 sqrft - 3,5mm

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Description / Vegetabile tanned leather/ Natural/whole hide 20-21 sqrft - 3,5mm

Vegetable tanned blank leather with thickness of 3-3,5mm. This kind of leather can be used for tooling and wet forming. With this kind of leather you can make bags, wallets, shoes, knife sheats. It has very nice graind side and smooth flesh side. This leather is top quality, you can easily stamp, tool and dye it.

Natural Veg tanned leather ideal for leather craft projects, like: wet moulding, carving, tooling and embossing Leather like this can be stained, dyed and varnished. If untreated this leather will develop beautiful patina and darken overt time, but you can speed this process by greasing the skin with vegetable oil or animal fat, eg. Lanolin (age your skin). Leather materials made from vegetable tanned leather are valued for their high quality. With veg tan leather you can make and sew beautiful belts, handbags, shoes, saddles, sheath knives, wallets, bracers, medieval lamps-lanterns, shield and other leather accessories for the historical reconstruction/reenacment.

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